Works of Richard Gorman
All contents ©Richard J. Gorman 2007 - 2028



The Fountain Pen Impulse

Back in the 1980's, at a Peddler's Fair in Sacramento, an old cigar box full of vintage pens inspired Richard to begin collecting, then restoring. In 2013 The Impulse Trading Company was reincarnated as an Etsy shop, specializing in restored vintage pens. Recently, Richard has added vintage western hand-crafted jewelry, mostly bolo ties... keeping true to the sign on the shop on 19th Street in Sacramento: "Antiques & Handcrafts".

The Leatherwork Impulse

Richard first began crafting leather when he was a teenager. In the '70's, it was his livelihood. Today, it is still a serious hobby in its own way. Some later works can be seen here. And a hand-laced pen case shows up in the Etsy shop from time to time

The Wildflower Impulse

The South Yuba River Citizens League (called "Circle") is the River Keepers organization where Richard lives. He was a volunteer River Monitor for nearly 10 years and his team made a monthly hike, year around, to a specific location in the watershed, to do observations, take and test water samples, and report out. His interest in wildflowers was born of this work.

The Ancestry Impulse

In 1996, frustration at not being able to trace his Gorman ancestry backwards, led Richard to trace the origin of the Gorman name forward. What resulted was this essay which, since it was re-posted to the web in 2003, has been visited nearly 10,000 times, and has generated a lot of correspondence. A mix of fact, legend, and fancy, it comes up number 1 or 2 if you Google "Gorman Coat of Arms."

Richard is still looking for his Irish roots, on both the Gorman and the Reilley side, but has also collected enough information on his other ancestors that he is committed to posting more of it soon, mainly for the use of his family.


Richard creates this site for the amusement of his friends, his family, and himself, because he can. You can write to him here.


Evolution is What Creation Does.

This site has been visited times since Fall 2007
All contents ©Richard J. Gorman 2007 - 2028